There is much controversy about whether the climate change to be expected is unequivocally created by man or whether other causes are responsible for it. However, what is beyond question and verifiable by numbers is the damage we do to nature. Deforestation for logging or obtaining questionable agricultural areas is definitely man-made. The reckless and short-sighted exploitation of the oceans by overfishing threatens to endanger the ecosystem sea.The refuse produced by man causes a wide array of problems. Starting from A – for atomic waste, to P – for plastics, to Z – for zinc – we leave behind ever increasing quantities of waste. However, for a couple of years, many people have started to rethink. Renewable energies are to replace atomic power and fossil fuels, such as oil and gas. Genetic engineering, though, has not been unconditionally accepted yet. Apart from certain risks, it certainly presents opportunities as well. Thus genetically modified plants can contribute to ensuring the nutrition of a growing world population. At the same time, we must change our habits in many respects. This applies to our nutrition, mobility, and energy consumption.